Monday, June 4, 2007

Saturday June 2nd - Chavez & his supporters

After seeing the protests during the week; Hugo Chavez called his supporters from all over the country to concentrate this past saturday on the Bolivar avenue to show how much support the revolution has.

In the past this "Mareas Rojas" (as Chavez calls his concentrations) have been quite big. Chavez gives his supporters $10 (Bs.23,000) + Free Food, drinks and shirts/caps.

To move his supporters from all over the country he employs over 2,300 buses from the goverment.

In the past this strategy worked quite well for the government. As over a million supporters from all over the country showed up.

<------- 2004

June 2nd, 2007 ------------->

What happened?

I will let pictures show you what "El Chavismo" has become during the last years. This are the pictures of how the street was left after the concentration; you will also find pictures of the MASSIVE amount of buses used by the government using OUR TAX MONEY to pay them, feed them and get them drunk.

When the opposition marches you can see the government using choppers and a massive amount of cops to "protect" the people. However when the supporters of Chavez march theres 10 cops and they don't even bother to clean up.

I don't know if I should laugh or cry when I see the first picture.

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