Monday, June 4, 2007

Monday, June 4th - Students Make their way to the TSJ

Students from 9 different universities marched together to the "Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, or TSJ", the supposedly house of the law in Venezuela. They marched to introduce a legal document against the discrimination, violent attacks, and lack of freedom of expression they are currently suffering.

The students had requested and had been granted all the permits from the local authorities. However, at the last minute the mayor decided that they should change their route (so they wouldn't go trough the middle of the city, so they would not be noticed). The students replied by marching trough their original route.

The students introduced their document in the TSJ, which was highly protected by hundreds of policemen and members from the National Guard.

Armed with guns and anti-riot equipment the authorities had no answer to the weapons the students brought:

I do not know what is going to happen. But I hope this blog opens some eyes...

Venezuela with all of its problems is NOT HUGO CHAVEZ.
We want peace, we want democracy and we want to be better every day. Do not let a rich madman take advantage of our oil money and silence us... just like he has silenced the voices that have raised against him, including those in the OAS (Organization of American states).

Pass a link to this blog among your friends, show the world what goes on in this beautiful country. We will thank you forever.
These are images the world needs to see.

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