Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hurray For Condi!!..but.. What the heck is the OAS for?

The history of the OAS (Organization of American States) goes back to 1959.
In the words of Article 1 of the Charter, the goal of the member nations in creating the OAS was "to achieve an order of peace and justice, to promote their solidarity, to strengthen their collaboration, and to defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity, and their independence."

Article 2 then defines eight essential purposes:

  • To strengthen the peace and security of the continent. (Has anything improved?)
  • To promote and consolidate representative democracy, with due respect for the principle of nonintervention. (haha.. yeah right.)
  • To prevent possible causes of difficulties and to ensure the pacific settlement of disputes that may arise among the member states.
  • To provide for common action on the part of those states in the event of aggression.
  • To seek the solution of political, judicial, and economic problems that may arise among them (or to look the other way)
  • To promote, by cooperative action, their economic, social, and cultural development. (just like in Cuba and Venezuela)
  • To eradicate extreme poverty, which constitutes an obstacle to the full democratic development of the peoples of the hemisphere.
  • To achieve an effective limitation of conventional weapons that will make it possible to devote the largest amount of resources to the economic and social development of the member states. (What about the army Venezuela has built?, The Choppers? The 30 Russian combat planes?, the submarines?, the missile systems?)

In the year 2001 The Inter-American Democratic Charter was adopted by a special session of the OAS, held in Lima, Peru. It is an inter-American instrument with the central aim of strengthening and upholding democratic institutions in the nations of the Americas . The Charter, which is binding on all 34 of the currently active OAS member states, spells out what democracy entails and specifies how it should be defended when it is under threat.

So all this talk of history and goals is to ask the following question:

------ WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT?!? ----------

All the OAS has proven is that just like everything else in Latin America it is an organization full of corruption, where regional power plays are made for the benefit of any particular country.

Condolezza Rice got into a heated debate with Venezuela's Canciller Mr. Maduro where she asked the OAS to consider sending an envoy to Venezuela to see what the hell is happening in my country. However, while delegates from every member of the organization expressed concern over Freedom of Speech in Venezuela, they decided against sending an envoy to Venezuela because it violates the sovereignity of the country.

(Maduro answered by critizicing the USA detainees in Guantamo Bay and the CIA and some other crap. You know what? I say heck yeah, investigate it all.. but do something. Maduro's answer was to basically change the subject... because he had no answer. )

So basically, the only way the OAS will even INVESTIGATE (nobody is asking it to take action) is by having more Venezuelans die, and more money go to waste. 110.000 (last numbers released by the official goverment media) Venezuelans have died during the last 9 years thanks to the violence. How many more need to die?.

We LOVE to critizice the USA, but they have been the only country who's delegate has clearly expressed concern about the situation in Venezuela, and the only one that has asked the organization to take action. However, Hugo's lapdogs from Argentina, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Chile beleive that the OAS investigation would violate the sovereignity of the country. Surprisingly Chavez is financing these same countries while Venezuelans starve to dead.

Jose Miguel Inzulsa: you are the worst mankind has to offer. Beign the secretary of the OAS means you have a MORAL and a SOCIAL responsability to the people of the Americas. Its not only to talk about "nice things" where every member will agree and ignore everything that could create any situation of conflict. Beign the secretary of the OAS is not only staying in 5 Star Hotels, wearing $3,000 suits and eating at the nicest restaurants. The position comes with a responsability, live up to it.

Just to give an example of how Insulza has worked: A month ago Insulza critiziced Chavez for the possible close of RCTV. Chavez answered by insulting him, making fun of him and threatening him with Venezuela leaving the OAS if the the OAS made a pronouncement against Venezuela and the closure of RCTV.

What did Insulza do? He looked the other way and basically justified it by saying it was a "Sovereign" decition of the Venezuelan authorities to either close RCTV or Not to.

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