Thursday, May 31, 2007

A cry for help!!

Today I start this blog...

Anonymously and with a bit of hope, the idea is to show you trough pictures what is going on in our beautiful country: Venezuela.

Its been almost 9 years since Hugo Chavez became president, one could say that he was more than hero to some. He represented change to those who had nothing... However, today he represents oppression, control, deceit. He has destroyed our community and our economy, he has divided us.

In less than 9 years PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela) went from being one of the top 5 oil companies in the world to become Chavez personal bank; with oil hitting $70 per barrel, PDVSA posts loses and finances Chavez's madness. The story repeats itself, with "La Electricidad de Caracas" and CANTV.

90.000 violent deaths in less than 9 years.

On his 9 years he has taken control of almost everything in the country. Socialism is taught in our schools and our soldiers salute by saying "Patria, Socialismo o Muerte". But it doesn't end there, now he goes after our Freedom of Expression.

After 53 years in the air, he has shut down RCTV, the largest and most important TV station in Venezuela. A piece of our history, just because the station wouldn't bow down to his demands.

ANTV, VTV, VIVE, CMT, VENEVISION, TELEVEN and numerous Radio Stations and newspapers apparently aren't enough to show the message Chavez wants to transmit. So he goes against the last 2 TV station that remain free and loyal to the people: RCTV and Globovision.

Because they show the real news, they show the protests, they ask the questions and they are faithful to their public, unlike other private TV stations like Televen and Venevision. Even after numerous requests and petitions not to close RCTV just for hell of it... he still did it.

- Where are the houses you promised the poor?
- Why are there 26 Ministers when you said that 16 was too much, that you would reduce the number of ministers to 8.
- Where is the meat? The milk?, The eggs?, the jam?, the imported products?. How in the hell did you manage to destroy our supply chain like that.. this was unseen in Venezuela.
- Where is our money going? How many millions have been stolen in the construction of mediocre hospitals, inexistent programs and in the construction of the stadiums of the "Copa America"??.
- Where is the peace and the progress you promised us?
- Why are you giving away money to Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador, China and Nicaragua when our people are homeless and dieing of starvation!!?

Closing RCTV?, that was only another mistake Hugo.. hopefully your last.

As students we are not going to tolerate your dictatorship, we want a president that abides by the law and listens to his citizens. We want a president who cares for his country.

May 31st - Caracas
(5th day of protests)

Manifestants from El 23 de Enero (

Chavez arresting our youth.(


Puerto La Cruz


Pictures by: Megaresistencia, Ovario, Gbastidas, WendyRH, NoticieroDigital, Periodico La Razon, Periodico El Pais, Periodico El Carabobeno.

BUCAMOS FOTOS DE: Zulia, Guyana, Margarita, Tachira, Apure, Bolivar, Carabobo, etc...
Envialas a:

Chavez every single city in Venezuela is crying for you to do the right thing.
Resign!! Renuncia!!